Yesterday, Karina, Frank and I went to Children's hosp. for our monthly "clinics". Karina had vials of blood drawn to check her "antibody count". We were told we would need to wait about a week or more before we could learn the results of that test. So we are on "hold" until we learn the results. Many, many wonderful friends united in a special fast and prayer day for Karina. When we walked into the hosp. , it felt like we weren't alone. I could feel all of you dear friends with us. It was almost like you were holding our hands with us. This is a remarkable experience for us to feel so much support from so many. We do have Good news! Karina's dietician, Rose, told us that Karina's diet is fabulous as all of her levels (magnesium, sodium albumine etc) are perfect. karina told me she thinks this might be another miracle - as she doesn't really monitor her diet that closely. (I think it is a miracle that she is blessed this way and doesn't have to worry constantly about everything she eats all the time~!)
So, thank you to all of you for your sweet tender hearts as you have prayed for karina's levels to come down - we will let you know as soon as we know. . . sincerely, n~
Princess Karina

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
2010 Here we come
Karina asked if I (Nanette-her mom) would be willing to update her blog now. I realize that for you it is more appealing to read her own words about this ordeal, but . . . :)
Last month, more extensive tests were run to check her blood and organs in preparation for getting on the "transplant list". We were excited to get started and get "listed". However, an alarmingly high antibody level came through the tests. This level should be at a 10% in order to receive a transplant, Karina's was at 90%. As we were told this news on the phone, I began to whimper-cry quietly. The Transplant nurse said the staff at Children's Hospital are "perplexed" over this elevated level. They haven't seen something like this in pediatrics. We discussed this might have happened because of the 2 units of blood that Karina received the first night in the hospital when she was checked in. We realize this was necessary to save her life, but, what tough consequences for those 2 units. Or perhaps, her antibody levels were already high and might have caused her kidneys to shut down in the first place? No one really knows, except for God -- He knows what is going on.
This Sunday, January 17th - three congregations in our community here in our Littletown will be uniting in a fast and prayer to God for three things; that IF GOD IS WILLING, 1) Karina's antibody levels might come down or we can find a way to bring them down somehow,
2) Karina can be strengthened through this time emotionally and spiritually and physically, and 3) We can accept whatever God desires of Karina and our family at this critical point - whatever it might be.
If anyone would like to join us in special prayer for Karina this Sunday, we would welcome you. We know many of you are already praying daily for our darling girl and we can't express how much this means to us. We love you and thank you for helping to lift us right now.
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