Princess Karina

Princess Karina

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Good News! I came home today this evening around 6:00 pm. This morning i was put on the periteneal dialysis home treatment while my parents and i had training in order to perform the home treatment. My parents felt as though they were back in school, hahaha. We had a lot of information thrown at us and much to understand and practise. We will go back to the hospital everyday for the next week or two to be trained. It feels so good to be back home and out of the hospital! I did throw up today during dialysis but everything is just fine. They also took out the cathater in my neck finally... thank heavens! And the iv in my arm. I have been walking more today and i also got to wash my hair in my sink for once! It felt incredible!


  1. I'm so happy that you are home! Good luck with the dialysis! You are so strong! Keep it up! I love you!
    Love ya Always,

  2. Wow!how wonderful and i'm so happy to hear from you.You are so really strong!Keep you face up to disease with faith and courage please. Hang in there! God be with you.
    I luve ya, Naomi K

  3. Hooray!!!!! Your body & spirit are amazing!

  4. Wonderful! It's wonderful that you can experience home! So many things to appreciate! Good luck on learning new things; things that you, a month ago, never would have imagined having to learn...
    Please share with us your favorite things: ... color, flower, fragrance, dessert, main dish(es), to do, to see, etc.. Thanks! Wishing you many good days ahead! Love from the Eldredges

  5. Waaahooooo! So glad you're home, chickadee. Way to treasure the little things. You are awesome. Sending lots of love your way! xo ~Melody, Trent, & Camden

  6. Yea! I'll bet you sighed a big sigh of relief. You're amazing. Best wishes, and thanks for keeping us informed; we think about you a lot!

    Paul and Jenny and family

  7. I'm so glad you're home!!! I'll be coming to visit you really soon :) I love you!

  8. Yay! We're so glad you made it home. Baby Courtney and I will come by and give you some baby therapy soon :). Sure love you!

    Sis. Langstraat and fam
