Princess Karina

Princess Karina

Thursday, September 10, 2009

well today has been good. We went back to the hospital early this morning for our home training and my dialysis treatment. it all went very well. then we came home and it was nice to eat dinner and just relax. My parents are pretty drianed, however i am feeling much more energized and somewhat normal.

Now this is for sister Eldridge: my favorite color is green or purple or red or yellow(i really just like all colors) i dont have a favorite fragrance , dessert would be cheescake or anything with strawberries but i cant eat most desserts, to do is swimming, drawing, being outside in the sun, dancing, and many more.

Tommorrow should be much of the same. It is so incredible and such a healing power to sleep in my own bed and walk around in my own house!


  1. Karina,
    I love your strength! My prayers are that the Lord will continue to lift your spirit and your body. What a beautiful life this is, especially with you in it!

    Sis. Riggs

  2. What a cutie you are! Glad to hear you are starting to feel better and enjoying being home! :)
